
12 Best New MIUI 9 Features You Should Know

Yesterday, Xiaomi revealed the latest version of their custom Android ROM, the MIUI 9. The MIUI 9 is built on top of Android vii.1.1 Nougat and adds a number of new features to the already very characteristic rich ROM. According to Xiaomi, more than two.8 billion devices around the world are running on the MIUI ROM. That is a lot of expectations, which Xiaomi will hope to meet with this new update. So, does Xiaomi evangelize or falter?

While Xiaomi has but released the closed beta of MIUI nine, we take managed to install it on our Mi 6 and Redmi Note 4 and have tried out the various MIUI 9 features. And then, if you have been wondering near the all the new features in MIUI ix, we have you covered. Here are the 12 new MIUI 9 features y'all should know about:

The Best New MIUI 9 Features

Note : The final version of the MIUI 9 update might cut or add together new features. Also, we have tested out the Prc ROM of MIUI 9 and the Global ROM of MIUI 9 might not include a few of these features.

1. Smart Assistant

The biggest feature of the MIUI 9 is probably the integration of a Smart Banana. The Smart Assistant packs all the usual features which we have come to expect from a smart AI. You can search for photos, text messages, emails, notes, and the web among others. You lot can access the Smart Assistant by swiping left to right on the habitation screen. The panel also acts as a smart hub, giving you access to all your important information in 1 place. Think of information technology as the Google Now page. Plus, it features a universal search feature, which lets y'all search for almost anything on the device.

smart assistant

It is a absurd new addition but naught different from what has already washed by the likes of Google and Apple. But time will tell if the assistant becomes a hitting or fails similar Samsung's Bixby.

two. Smart App Launcher

The Smart App Launcher aims to aid you quickly switch between the apps based on the information on your screen. Suppose you are on an app and invoke the Smart App Launcher. The Launcher will read the information on your screen and will show you recommendations for apps which y'all may want to open. The thought here is that, you won't have to go back to habitation screen and search for the app you lot need to open up, rather, the Smart App Launcher will exist smart enough to suggest you the app, thereby reducing your work. It will too show you some relevant data related to any information technology is on your screen.

Smart app launcher

You tin can say, that it is a footling bit like Google'south At present on Tap aka the Screen Search characteristic. However, the feature is said to be China exclusive feature, so we were not able to try information technology out on our Mi 6 or Redmi Note 4.

3. Prototype Search

As I mentioned earlier, this Smart App Launcher is still not working on my phone, but when it will, it is supposed to allow enhanced search options inside the gallery app. You lot will be able to search your photos library for people, locations, expressions, events, documents, screenshots, and more. Still, Google Photos already does that improve than whatever other such service, let's hope MIUI's Image Search characteristic is as skillful if not better.

Image search

4. System Optimizations

With MIUI 9, Xiaomi has focused a lot on the ROM'south optimisation. It is no hush-hush that MIUI has always been heavy on resources. MIUI 9 is supposed to fix that. In that location are a number of under the hood changes which have been included to make the MIUI faster and more responsive. Since the MIUI ix is based on Android 7.0, many of the enhancements feel similar to those brought by the Android version itself. There'south Dynamic Resource allocation which will deploy hardware resources to the apps depending on their importance. The app launch time is also supposed to decrease owing to the inbuilt Launch Acceleration. This characteristic volition momentarily boost resources to the apps that are being launched, resulting in faster app launch.

12 New MIUI 9 Features You Should Know

There'south also a new file system which is supposed to exist faster. A lot has been washed to reduce background processing ability of the apps. This ways that, now the apps in the background will not eat away most of the resources. Other optimizations include automated cleaning, cache management, and wireless dispatch among others. If everything goes equally advertised, MIUI 9 volition bring a much snappier performance than any of its predecessors. Even in the beta build, I have found this to be true to an extent, so the future is looking promising for MIUI users.

5. Quick Reply and Notification direction

MIUI 9 brings a lot of welcome changes in the style it handles notifications. Now, all the notifications for the same app are grouped together, like in stock Android. Yous can apply a two-finger swipe gesture to reveal the notifications individually. In that location'due south likewise Quick Reply, allowing you to answer to messages from the notification itself. You lot will no longer have to tap the notification to get the respective app, just to send a reply. Just swipe with two fingers, and you will encounter the pick to send a reply.


There's as well a new feature chosen Notification Filter. The characteristic allows you to group those notifications together, which you deemed to be unimportant for you. All those notifications will be grouped in a unmarried notification and will be muted. Hence when y'all receive an unimportant notification, you will be not be disturbed. The grouping will too proceed your notification shade clean.

notifcaion filer

6. Habitation Screen Enhancements

Ane of the areas which have received some major upgrades nether the MIUI nine is the dwelling house screen. I of the biggest visual as well as functional modify on the home screen is the fashion we move multiple apps. Now, when you will select multiple apps to move them, you lot will see a representation of all the pages at the lesser of the screen. Basically making it easier for you to motion the apps. Widgets console as well receives a much-needed facelift. At present the widgets get their own page with vertical scrolling, simply like on Stock Android ROM.


The settings panel now looks much more than refined and easy to navigate. Everything looks minimalistic and elegant. In the settings panel, you get the option to lock a screen. In one case you lock a screen, you volition not exist able to move the apps off that screen. When you tap on "More", you will become the options to change your default launcher. This is a welcome change, as previously, changing the default launcher used to exist one of the most challenging tasks on the MIUI ROM. All in all, I think that the home screen is much more user-friendly and cleaner in the MIUI 9.

home screen 2

vii. Lock Screen Enhancements

At start look, the MIUI 9 lock screen looks similar to that present on the previous versions of the ROM, merely you volition be mistaken to think that. Just swipe from left to correct on the lock screen, and you volition discover a new page showing yous all the Xiaomi connected devices like Mi Dwelling house and Mi Remote. In that location's also a flashlight icon which may come in handy in certain situations.

lock screen

8. Security App Enhancements

The Security App nowadays in the MIUI has always been one of my favourite things about MIUI. With the MIUI nine, the app becomes even amend. At present, you become a lot more actions on the dwelling house folio of the app itself. The actions include heave speed, Dual apps, 2d space, and App lock amongst others.

Security 1

But the best alter inside the Security app happens in the "Manage apps" sub menu. You can tap on that to reveal all your apps. The layout is now very clean and easy to read. Also, the most important information is displayed on the page itself, allowing you to run into them at a glance. For more information, you can just tap on the app, and y'all can detect each and every detail nigh that app.

Secuirty 2

ix. Split Screen Multitasking

MIUI 9 too brings the long awaited multitasking feature. To showtime split-screen, tap on the Recent button and you will meet the "SplitScreenMode" written at the tiptop of your screen. Tap on it and then drag the app y'all want to use in the split screen mode. Once you select an app, the option to select the other app will come in the bottom half of the screen. One neat characteristic hither, is that the apps that practice not support split screen manner will prove an overlay bluecoat stating the same.

split screen

10. New Animations across the whole UI

Apart from arrangement improvements which brand the ROM super fast, the new animations introduced in MIUI 9 also brand the ROM feel snappier. The animations are fluid and seamless. Even the app icons get their own opening and closing animations. Moving between different apps and navigating the app pages cannot be whatever smoother. You will have to install and use the ROM to truly empathize what I talking about. For me personally, this enhancement is something which I cannot go back from.

11. New Themes

MIUI ix introduces 3 new themes, No Boundary, Colour Fantasy, and, Cool Black, to go with the ROM. All of them are cute. I really love the night Cool Blackness theme, which sports a night groundwork with slightly subdued app icons. Of course, you become the ever enlarging theme shop where you lot can find themes for pretty much whatever look you will ever want. Yet, it is nifty to see some custom themes coming from Xiaomi itself.


12. MIUI Lab

Xiaomi is introducing a new feature with the MIUI 9 called the MIUI lab. At the time of writing this article, there'due south not much you can practice inside the lab but in the time to come, the lab is suppose to concur the experimental features for MIUI, which users can test, if they want to. Frankly, I don't take a clear agreement of this characteristic nevertheless, but information technology is something to keep an eye on for the future. You can access the MIUI lab inside the main settings menu of your phone.


Meet ALSO: How to Install MIUI 9 Beta on Your Xiaomi Device

MIUI 9 Features: Good Plenty or Not?

At present that yous all know the major features of the MIUI 9, tell us about your favourite ones in the comment section beneath. Also, share your thoughts most the MIUI ix. update Do you consider this as a worthy upgrade? I call up it'southward a major improvement over the MIUI 8, only as always, I would beloved to hear your thoughts on the subject. Drop them down and let me know.


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