
17 must-watch movies and TV shows with women in STEM

17 must-spotter movies and Television set shows with women in Stalk

Movies and TV shows with women in STEM
(Image credit: AMC; 20th Century Fob; 20th Television)

Women in Stem often discover that they're few and far between in their workplaces — and on screen, in movies and television. Representation of women in science, technology, engineering and math fields has improved in the last few years, as more movies and TV shows put female characters forepart and center, but it could go better.

A contempo Census Agency report noted that women make upwards about half of the U.S. workforce but only simply 27 percent of STEM workers. Hollywood could aid that number grow. A report past the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media found that girls are more than likely to pursue Stem careers when they see portrayals of women as biochemists, software developers, engineers or statisticians. Information technology's called the "Scully Effect."

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To mark Women's History Month, we're highlighting 15 movies and TV shows that describe accomplished, smart women in STEM.

The X-Files

Dana Scully in The X-Files

(Prototype credit: 20th Century Television)

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As noted in the institute'south study, "The Scully Effect'' is existent. It's named after The 10-Files' Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson), a medical doctor who teams upwards with Fox Mulder to investigate paranormal phenomena. Scully is depicted as whip-smart, skeptical and a balancing check on her male partner's more erratic instincts. A generation of girls watched her week after week on the popular Fox drama, and so it's no mystery why two-thirds of real women working in Stem cite her as a role model.

Hidden Figures

(Epitome credit: 20th Century Fox)

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Women of color in Stem are even more than underrepresented, which makes 2016's Subconscious Figures an important film. And beyond that, information technology'south a highly entertaining and thrilling one that'south based on the true story of Blackness mathematicians working at NASA in the 1960s. Katherine Johnson (Taraji P. Henson) calculated flight paths for Projection Mercury, Dorothy Vaughn (Octavia Spencer) supervised the programming section and Mary Jackson (Janelle Monáe) was NASA's first Black female engineer. These women were computers before computers were put into wide apply.

Halt and Take hold of Fire

Halt and Catch Fire

(Image credit: Tina Rowden/AMC)

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Two women power this nether-the-radar series portraying the personal computing revolution and development of the World Broad Web in the 1980s and '90s. Cameron Howe (Mackenzie Davis) is a programming prodigy and video game designer, while Donna Clark (Kerry Bishé) is a crackerjack figurer engineer and ace businesswoman. This dynamic duo forms a pioneering startup combining online games, shopping and a social network. And though Cameron and Donna run across sexist attitudes along the fashion, they refuse to let anything get in the way of their innovating dreams.

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Contact with Jodie Foster

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

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When Contact came out in 1997, few movies had a female person scientist as the main protagonist. Astronomer Ellie Arroway (Jodie Foster) discovers a radio signal sent by intelligent conflicting life transmitting schematics for a car. As a woman, Arroway works doubly difficult to prove herself just actually loses out on the chance to use the machine — until a tragic turn of events allows her the chance to attempt first contact. The success of the movie, and Foster's much-praised performance, paved the way for subsequently female person leading roles in Gravity and Interstellar.

Black Panther

Shuri in Black Panther

(Image credit: Curiosity)

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Black Panther wouldn't be the superhero he is without the suit — and the suit comes courtesy of his tech genius sister, Princess Shuri (Letitia Wright). The sassy spitfire is also responsible for other innovations, like Captain America's new shield and Bucky Barnes' robotic arm. If she'd had a bit more fourth dimension, she might've even done the seemingly impossible and detached Vision from the Mind Stone. Bow downward to the big brain behind the brawn.

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The Imitation Game and Bletchley Circumvolve

The Imitation Game starring Keira Knightley

(Prototype credit: TWC)

Stream The Simulated Game on Tubi or Pluto Television set
Stream Bletchley Circumvolve on Amazon Prime Video
These two titles both feature British codebreakers who decrypted German letters at Bletchley Park during Globe War II. The Simulated Game focuses on Alan Turing (Benedict Cumberbatch) just as well shines a spotlight on cryptanalyst Joan Clarke (Keira Knightley), who played a key part in the breaking of the Enigma machine. Bletchley Circle takes identify later the war, following four female codebreakers who use their skills to investigate a series of murders.

For All Mankind

Margo in For All Mankind

(Epitome credit: Apple tree Television receiver Plus)

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The alternate universe space drama certainly veers abroad from real history after the Soviets vanquish Americans to the moon. For one, NASA recruits a whole roster of female astronauts, while the intelligent, crafty engineer Margo Madison (Wrenn Schmidt) works her mode up to Flying Director and, in season 2, director of Johnson Space Eye. In the world of For All Mankind, the future of space is female.

The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo

The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo starring Rooney Mara

(Prototype credit: Sony)

Stream on Netflix
The brilliant hacker Lisbeth Salander is the driving engine of Stieg Larsson's bestselling novels. In the 2011 motion picture, Lisbeth (Rooney Mara) uses her skills to assistance announcer Mikael Blomkvist (Daniel Craig) to investigate the forty-year-quondam disappearance of a teen girl. The film slowly peels back the layers of the eccentric and antisocial genius as she unearths the truth. For more than of Lisbeth Salander, yous tin also watch its sequel starring Claire Foy, The Girl in the Spider Web.

Ghostbusters (2016)

Ghostbusters 2016

(Image credit: Sony)

Rent/buy on Amazon or Apple
The gender-swapped reboot of Ghostbusters got a lot of flak. And while not all of the criticism was sexist and misogynistic, a lot of it was. Sure, the all-female person Ghostbusters movie is a departure from the original films — and it's also funny and thrilling. Melissa McCarthy and Kristen Wiig play physicists, while Kate McKinnon is an eccentric engineer who team upwardly to catch and report ghosts and wind up contesting an regular army of them.

Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist

(Prototype credit: NBC)

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Current-solar day Silicon Valley turns musical in this dramedy starring Jane Levy equally Zoey Clarke, a developer and engineering science manager at a tech firm that makes smart devices and apps. An incident in an MRI car suddenly gives her the ability to hear other people'southward innermost thoughts equally pop songs. A contempo storyline found Zoey listening every bit Black co-worker Simon (John Clarence Stewart) belted out his feelings near the company's lack of racial diversity, a very real problem in the tech industry.

Orphan Black

Orphan Black starring Tatiana Maslany

(Image credit: BBC America)

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A human cloning experiment propels much of the action in Orphan Blackness. Tatiana Maslany plays several clones, who observe 1 another's beingness and band together to understand their origins. Leading the charge, scientifically, is Cosima, a biologist, and her girlfriend and swain scientist, Delphine (Evelyne Brochu). Along with Cosima's "sisters" (or sestras), they uncover a much more insidious operation than any of them ever expected.

Black Mirror: USS Callister

Black Mirror USS Callister

(Paradigm credit: Netflix)

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The toxic masculinity that tin be found in the tech earth is examined and establish extremely wanting in USS Callister, one of the best episodes of Black Mirror. A new developer, Nanette (Cristin Milioti), starts her chore at gaming company Callister Inc. Unbeknownst to her, CTO Robert Daly (Jesse Plemons) replicates Nanette'south consciousness to use in his own simulation, where he subjugates and terrorizes her. Daly's comeuppance eventually comes at the easily of both the digital and real versions of Nanette, who outwits, outplays and outlasts her sketchy boss.

Pointer and The Wink

Arrow and The Flash: Felicity and Caitlin

(Image credit: The CW)

Stream Arrow on Netflix
Stream The Flash on Netflix
Nosotros'd like to run across more female person superheroes become top billing in movies and TV shows, but in the meantime, we can root for the badass women on Arrow and The Flash. On the sometime, Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards) is a supremely capable Information technology expert and hacker who makes Pointer's vigilante missions possible. On the latter, Caitlin Snowfall (Danielle Panabaker) is a bioengineer whose expertise comes in very handy in dealing with meta-humans.

The Large Bang Theory

Mayim Bialik in The Big Bang Theory

(Image credit: Warner Bros. Television)

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The first few seasons of this uber-popular sitcom are filled with sexist jokes, and the unabridged premise revolves around high-IQ male person scientists and their less intelligent (though more utilitarian) female neighbor. Simply afterward seasons of Big Bang Theory bring in the graphic symbol of Amy, a neurobiologist as brilliant equally protagonist Sheldon Cooper. Even better, she's played past Mayim Bialik, an actress with a Ph.D in neuroscience.

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Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager

(Image credit: Paramount)

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The Star Trek franchise has featured female scientists and engineers from the kickoff, only in Voyager, they also got to be the bosses. Not merely does the transport have a woman equally a captain in Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew), information technology also ends up with a female chief engineer in B'Elanna Torres (Roxann Dawson). They oversee the crew as they grapple with being stranded in the Delta Quadrant, far from any of their hopes.

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Kelly is a senior author covering streaming media for Tom's Guide, and so basically, she watches Boob tube for a living. Previously, she was a freelance entertainment author for Yahoo, Vulture, TV Guide and other outlets. When she'southward not watching Television and movies for work, she's watching them for fun, seeing alive music, writing songs, knitting and gardening.


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