
No More Heroes 3 review

Our Verdict

No More Heroes 3 is the latest game past director Suda51 for the Nintendo Switch. While the game has a colorful bandage of characters and a unique style, it suffers from repetitive gameplay.


  • Amazing boss battles
  • Trademark Suda51 fashion


  • Dated graphics
  • Poor functioning
  • Needless padding

Tom's Guide Verdict

No More Heroes 3 is the latest game by managing director Suda51 for the Nintendo Switch. While the game has a colorful cast of characters and a unique style, it suffers from repetitive gameplay.


  • +

    Amazing boss battles

  • +

    Trademark Suda51 style


  • -

    Dated graphics

  • -

    Poor performance

  • -

    Needless padding

No More Heroes 3's Travis Touchdown is the anti video game mascot. He'due south vulgar, crass, impulsive and an idiot. But his zeal makes him both hilarious and unforgettable.

That'south exactly what auteur game designer Suda51 (pronounced five-one), who'due south real proper name is Goichi Suda, gave us with No More Heroes iii on the Nintendo Switch. Information technology'due south a follow-upwards to No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle, which was released back on the Wii in 2010. Here we have a tortuous narrative of satirical story telling that scoffs at logic, featuring oddly designed characters, dimwitted motivations and a plot that has no thought where it'due south going to end up next. Simply put, Suda does what Suda wants and I couldn't get enough of information technology.

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No More Heroes started as a Wii game back in 2007. Like many third-party Wii titles, it didn't find success with sales only netted a defended fan base. That same fanbase oftentimes overlooks many of the gameplay shortcomings found in Suda titles, instead opting to capeesh his relentless vision and zaniness above all else.

There'southward a lot to love and a lot to despise in No More Heroes three. On 1 hand, y'all have some of the nigh twisted dominate designs and encounters rarely seen in gaming. On the other hand, you have a monotonous grind-fest where development studio Grasshopper Manufacture feels as if information technology needs to pad the game'south runtime.

No More than Heroes 3 review: Specs

Platform: Nintendo Switch

Price: $60

Release Engagement: August 27, 2021

Genre: Action/adventure

No More Heroes 3 review: Gameplay

No More Heroes III

(Image credit: Grasshopper Manufature)

Subsequently a good hour of cutting scenes and introductions, No More Heroes 3 reveals its open globe. It's a hodgepodge of areas inspired by other properties, like Phone call of Duty and Mad Max. There are five areas in the game full, which you tin travel to play various mini games or achieve certain tasks. The "No More than Heroes Motel" serves as the fundamental hub. Hither, you tin save, change clothes or talk to your cat Jeane.

In that location are two currencies in No More Heroes 3. UtopiCoins, which are used to buy items and pay for boss battles, and WESN, which are used to upgrade abilities.

The gameplay loop requires earning UtopiCoins by doing tasks and playing other mini-games. Task and mini games include battling waves of enemies or shooting oversized alligators and tanks. Only it'south in earning UtopiCoins where the game falters. UtopiCoins are doled out based on performance ratings. The better you practice, the more coins y'all get. Each subsequent boss requires a significant increase in the amount of UtopiCoins to unlock.

Here's where the monotony begins. Designated tasks are required to advance the game. These tasks have no bearing on the actual story, but instead experience similar homework. Oddly, just getting to the point on the map to start the chore is a needless chore. There are poorly placed invisible walls and other obstructions start to wear thin your patience.

My biggest gripe is that most of the designated tasks don't dole out near enough UtopiCoins. This results in a tiresome grind of replaying mini-games to assemble enough to offset the dominate fight. The in-game economy is and then imbalanced that I didn't buy whatsoever upgrades because information technology wasn't worth the additional endeavour.

This construction needlessly pads the game with superfluous content, seldom adding much gameplay value or fun.  But I'm willing to concede that all tedium is worth it for the game's over-the-tiptop and ridiculous dominate battles.

The combat in No More than Heroes 3 manages to find a good combination of button mashing brawler and strategic claiming to go on it engaging. The Beam Katana, which is a low-budget lightsaber, returns. For every strike, a battery meter on the screen goes down, requiring a recharge to go along to practise damage.

Forth with hacking and slashing, the game resorts to a directional Quick Time Outcome followed by a slot machine which rewards some gainsay bonuses.

No More Heroes 3 gives you lot two control play styles: standard and motion control via the Joy-Cons. Motion command mostly comes downwards to mimicking on-screen gesture prompts. Even with motion controls, attacks default back to button presses. Motion is mostly used for finishing attacks and charging Travis' Beam Katana. The standard controls have you using the analog sticks to mirror on-screen directional prompts, similar to The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword.

No More Heroes III

(Image credit: Grasshopper Manufature)

Interestingly, the game recommends players opt for motion controls. Unfortunately, I institute following the on-screen prompts to exist hard in the heat of boxing, ofttimes leading to missed inputs. I opted to stick with traditional controls as the gestures never substantively added much to the experience.

No More than Heroes 3 suffers from framerate inconsistencies. Most of the game aims to exist locked at 30fps, only often falls below that. Luckily, combat scenarios encounter a leap to 60fps, making slashes, rolls and dodges supremely more enjoyable.

The combat mechanics lack depth, but are simple to pick up and play. The game throws a myriad of tutorials early in the game, which can be overwhelming. But it didn't have long for me to figure out what needed to be done to succeed. The camera tin position itself incorrectly from time to time, merely non to the point of frustration. Y'all'll probably see every type of enemy variety about halfway through the game, simply there's enough here to keep things fresh throughout.

Combat is elementary and enjoyable but can be challenging if non approached correctly. It requires having to manage multiple enemies, respecting their space and knowing when to lean in with an attack. I would often discover that taking out the biggest threat was the all-time strategy, before wiping out weaker foes. Ultimately, combat takes a backseat to Suda51's eclectic way.

No More than Heroes 3 review: Story and setting

No More Heroes 3

(Image credit: Grasshopper Manufature)

No More Heroes 3 opens with a boy named Damon who happens upon a Jigglypuff-looking alien called FU that's crash landed on World. The 2 form a friendship, but eventually, in ET-like way, FU has to fly away to his home planet. Twenty years later, FU returns with megalomaniacal tendencies and a desire to destroy the earth. Enter series protagonist Travis Touchdown. He'due south an anime loving, foul-mouthed, peak-ranked assassin who, forth with a team of other misfit assassins, are tasked to finish FU and save the globe.

The story serves as a framework for the post-obit structure: battle the ten alien bosses in order based on their "Galactic Super Hero Ranking," working your way upward to boxing FU. In that location isn't much complexity in the narrative. A scattering of characters from previous iterations brand appearances along with a plethora of references. Luckily for players new to the No More than Heroes franchise, in that location'due south enough exposition here to understand each character's history.

No More Heroes 3 is full of cheesy one-liners, just the phonation acting holds up surprisingly well.  The game is propped upward by Tarantino-esque over the pinnacle violence and activeness. Graphic symbol motivations are seldom logical, which ends up creating an breathless plot. For instance, one boss battle has yous playing a DDR-like musical chairs game.

Information technology'due south self-enlightened and full of American and Japanese pop-culture references, borderlining on excessive, but ultimately doesn't take itself too seriously.

No More than Heroes 3 review: Visuals and sound

No More Heroes III

(Image credit: Grasshopper Manufature)

Suda51's unique flair shines in No More Heroes three. His team over at Grasshopper Manufacture layer the game with varying art styles, from cartoony to retro viii-bit.

Sadly, the game is hampered by poor graphics. The Switch's lesser horsepower isn't to arraign here. Games like The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild look and perform great. No More Heroes iii's open world suffers from bland textures, low describe distance, pop-in and an inconsistent frame rate. It looks like an upward-res'd Wii game at times.

Viii-bit elements are nice, however. Notification markers, enemy health, lock-on circle and the entire UI have a retro pixelated expect. Private characters are cel-shaded and well animated. For example, FU wears a gilded crown that has two optics that are constantly moving around while his hair bops as if he uses Pantene Pro-V conditioner. Clearly, a lot of effort was put into the characters and their interactions with one another.

Insert quote hither

No More Heroes iii's open up world suffers fr

Music is a overnice mix of retro, rock and heavy metal.In that location was zippo that personally stood out to me, merely neither did information technology hinder the experience. There were cool 8-bit sounds sprinkled throughout the game. For instance, recharging your beam katana produces Mario-like beeps.

No More Heroes 3 review: Verdict

No More Heroes III

(Image credit: Grasshopper Manufature)

Twisted, unapologetic and unpredictable, No More than Heroes 3 is Suda51 at his purest, for better or worse. The game's technical shortcomings, dated graphics and padding bog down what could've been an amazing package of unique characters and amazing boss battles.

This game is an acquired sense of taste. If you lot're a fan of Hideo Kojima or Tarantino, this game will work for you. For others, information technology might be besides difficult to get into.

Either way, No More Heroes 3 is an unforgettable, cleaved and hilarious feel.

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Rehan has been a game tester, substitute teacher, writing major and globe devourer. He lives off of  Spider-Man comics, Nintendo games and 90s anime. In his free time he's usually working out, deal-hunting for video games he'll never take the fourth dimension to play, returning things he knew he never needed from Amazon or playing an online game no one's always heard of. He is likewise a semi-professional person dad of 2 and is currently a security annotator at an It firm.


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